Güvenli E-posta

Zammad supports two systems of high-security email communication:

  • Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

  • Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME).

Screencast demo of S/MIME features for both new tickets and replies

Use the 🔒 Encrypt and ✅ Sign buttons to turn on encryption and signing of outgoing emails.


Both feature are optional; if you don’t see the 🔒 Encrypt and ✅ Sign buttons in the ticket composer, that means your administrator hasn’t activated any of them yet.

Administrators can learn more here:

PGP and S/MIME are only working if the other party is using them too.

Genel Bakış

PGP and S/MIME are the most widely-supported methods for secure email communication. With each of the systems, you can exchange signed and encrypted messages with others.


In special cases it is possible that both systems are configured in your system and a customer is using both, as well. In this case, you have an additional button to switch between PGP and S/MIME security types. Otherwise, you just see the 🔒 Encrypt and ✅ Sign buttons.

Screenshot of ticket creation with configured PGP and S/MIME

Ticket creation with configured PGP and S/MIME and available certificates/keys.


is a proof that a message hasn’t been manipulated on its way.

In other words, it guarantees message integrity and authenticity.


bir mesajı, yalnızca hedeflenen alıcı tarafından çözülebilecek şekilde karıştırır.

In other words, it guarantees message privacy and data security.

Your administrator is responsible for adding all the necessary certificates and keys in Zammad’s admin panel.

📬 Gelen

The 🔒 and ✅ icons at the top of a message indicate its encryption and signing status.

Screencast showing details of encryption and signing status

Click on an incoming message to expand its details. Hover over the security status to show more information.

Durum İkonları (Gelen)


Bu mesaj sizin için şifrelendi.

Even if it was intercepted by a third party (hacker, gov’t agency, etc.), they won’t be able to read it.


This message can not be decrypted.


This message’s signature has been successfully verified.

You can be confident that it’s authentic and that the content has not been modified.


The verification of the signature of this message has failed. You can find more information by hovering over the icon.

📮 Giden

Giden e-postalarınızda şifreleme ve imzalamayı açmak için 🔒 Şifrele and ✅ İmzala butonlarını kullanın.


Giden e-postalar sadece bir alıcı için şifrelenmiş olabilir.

Screencast showing encryption and signing status for both new tickets and replies

🔒 Encrypt and ✅ Sign buttons are present on both new tickets and replies. Hover over the buttons to show details.

Durum İkonları (Giden)


Bu mesaj şifrelenecektir.

Even if it’s intercepted by a third party (hacker, gov’t agency, etc.), they won’t be able to read it.


Bu mesaj şifrelenmeyecektir.


Bu mesaj imzalanacaktır.

Recipients can verify that it came from you and that the content has not been modified.


Bu mesaj imzalanmayacaktır.

Sorun giderme

📬 Gelen

“İmza: Doğrulama için sertifika bulunamadı”
Ticket article shows a warning for failed verification of a signed message

Without the sender’s certificate, Zammad cannot verify the message signature.

Ask your administrator to add the sender’s certificate to Zammad’s certificate store.


🕵️ HER ZAMAN sertifikaları şahsen veya telefonla doğrulayın!

The whole point of signature verification is to alert you when someone is trying to pretend to be someone they’re not. Never accept a certificate from someone online without verifying it first.

“Şifreleme: Şifresi çözülecek özel anahtar bulunamıyor”
Ticket article shows a warning for failed verification of a signed message

Bu mesaj, dosyada hiçbiriyle eşleşmeyen bir sertifika ile şifrelenmiştir. Eşleşen bir özel anahtar olmadan Zammad mesajın şifresini çözemez.

Ask your administrator to verify your organization’s private key in Zammad’s certificate store, and ask the sender to double-check the public key they used to encrypt the message.


📢 Herkese açık anahtarınız herkesle güvenle paylaşılabilir.

(But if they’re smart, they’ll take extra precautions to make sure it really belongs to you.)

📮 Giden

🔒 Şifrele butonu devre dışı bırakıldı

Ask your administrator to add the recipient’s certificate to Zammad’s certificate store.

İmzala butonu devre dışı bırakıldı

Ask your administrator to verify your organization’s private key in Zammad’s certificate store.