i-doit: Track Company Property

With i-doit integration, you can list which pieces of your company’s property are related to any given ticket. That includes both physical and digital infrastructure, from servers to meeting rooms to virtual machines to software licenses.

This feature is optional; if you don’t see it in the ticket view, that means your administrator hasn’t enabled it yet. Administrators can learn more here.

If your company is using i-doit, ask your administrator / IT personnel to give you a tour. If your organization isn’t already using i-doit, this guide is not for you.

(Screenshot) The i-doit integration menu in the ticket view

Use the 🖨 printer tab to view or manage a ticket’s assets from i-doit.


i-doit, zahmetli ekipmanı takip etmenize ve en son bir şeyler ters gittiğinde önceki biletleri bulmanıza yardımcı olabilir.

It’s also a great way to document quirks in the company’s belongings: Why haven’t we upgraded this system from Windows Vista yet? What did we decide to do about that faulty network switch? And why does the coffee maker keep shutting off before it’s finished? 🤬

Nasıl Çalışır?

i-doit’te: Belirli bir varlık için biletleri listeleyin ve oluşturun

i-doit kontrol paneliniz, her bir varlıkla ilişkili tüm biletlerin bir listesini içermelidir:

(Screencast) See a list of all tickets for an asset in i-doit

Click the 💬 in the toolbar to list an asset’s tickets. Use the 🔗 Open in ticketsystem button to open the ticket in Zammad.

You can even launch Zammad’s new ticket dialog directly from i-doit, with the asset already linked for you:

(Screencast) Launch the new ticket dialog from within i-doit

Yeni, önceden bağlanmış bir bilet iletişim kutusu başlatmak için varlık bilet listesindeki 📄 Bilet oluştur butonunu kullanın.