Ticket Settings

Use the ticket pane to manage a ticket’s settings:

Default ticket pane view

Click the button in the corner to hide the ticket pane. Click the 💬 tab to bring it back.

The available options depend on your privileges and the configuration of your system.

Renaming a Ticket

To rename a ticket, simply click on the title and start typing.


Highlighting Ticket Text

Use the highlighter tool in the upper-righthand corner to mark up important text. (Your highlights are visible to other agents.)

Ticket highlighter

Highlight by selecting text, then clicking the highlighter. Click again to undo.

Further Ticket Actions

Additional actions are available via the submenu:

Ticket submenu

Click the Ticket ▾ heading to access additional actions.


See a comprehensive list of updates to the ticket, performed by any user, since its creation.


Migrate all messages/notes to another ticket (see Merging Tickets for details).

Change Customer

Reassign the ticket to another customer.